Our Mission

To ensure that the happiness index of citizens of the country increases and should be the point of evaluation of the real assets of human beings and societies

Happiness is not a tangible thing which you can buy from a store. Buying material things will never fully satisfy our desire for happiness nor will it bring the feeling of peace and satisfaction which is a foundation of a happy life. No matter how much you have, it never feels like enough. We should be satisfied and thankful for who we are. Money can't buy you happiness and poverty can’t take it.

Rich people find themselves happy in their pride, accomplishments, status, achievements and amusements while poor people living a simple life find happiness in love, care and nurturing each other, connecting and building relationships. They believe that inner peace is more valuable than all the world's riches.

Why were We Born?

Lord Buddha taught the non- existence of "the being", "the individual", "the self", "You" and “me". He taught us that there is no self to be born.

For the poorer people, the major concern is the need to earn a living in order to fulfill the necessity of their life. He is born to do his daily chores like ploughing the field etc which becomes his one and only concern. He never wants more than this and is satisfied with his work. In other words he really feels he was born to earn a living and nothing is more important for him than this. While, rich people's obsessions for materialistic world's shows that he lives to get much more than just enough to eat.

Our ultimate purpose to be here in life was to earn and live. But, the question arises, do we earn a living in order to be simply alive or to go on accumulating more and more wealth and property? Few people are satisfied with what they earn to feed themselves and their family, providing them with a happy life free from misery. While, for some no amount of wealth and property is enough. They don't know where to stop. According to our religious belief, accumulation of more wealth than necessary is stated to be sin.

Through our platform Vishwa Guru Bharat is focusing on accessing the well being of the citizens by measuring life satisfaction and the meaning of happiness in life. We believe that there is no single key to happiness; rather it is a combination of supportive social relationships and the feeling of spirituality. Spirituality includes the feeling of gratitude, forgiveness, care and help for others. Thus, in short, the road to happiness is the life devoted to the important meaningful goals and other people.

Initiatives taken by us to improve the overall well being of the citizens of our country:

  • We aim to teach people skills and ways of thinking that will make them happier.
  • Helps people think about their values, their strengths and their goals.
  • Teaches people to be more positive in social interactions—for example, by expressing gratitude and praise more often.
  • Helping people deal with stress and negative feelings. Thus, raising people’s life satisfaction and enjoyment of life.

Sustainable happiness leading to:

  • Better health and longevity as happy people live longer and experience better health.
  • Superior work performance, especially organizational citizenship.
  • More supportive social relationships for example, being less likely to get divorced.
  • Better citizenship for example, being more likely to help others, volunteer or donate money to charity.
  • Better mental health and resilience for example, being less likely to suffer from mental health problems like depression.