Our Mission

Working towards making this planet a better place to live.

Ecosystems, home to many of the species, are declining rapidly because of human actions. But, there is still time to save it. The speed at which we are exploiting nature will definitely affect the life of our future generations, if effective actions are not taken even now.

Over the last few decades, the natural quality to support us is sinking. Air and water quality are reducing, soils are depleting, deforestation, the degradation of land, loss of biodiversity, coasts are less protected from storms and pollution causing biggest impacts on land and freshwater ecosystems. The main cause of ocean change is overfishing and has also been affected by other processes like runoff from agriculture and plastic pollution. Coral reefs are home to some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Live coral cover on reefs has nearly halved in the past 150 years and is predicted to disappear completely within the next 80 years.

The world is increasingly managed in a way that maximises the flow of material from nature, to meet rising human demands for resources like food, energy and timber. Humans have directly altered at least 70% of Earth's land for growing plants and keeping animals. The human-driven changes in habitat also threatens many endemic species. In addition, fewer varieties of plants and animals are being preserved due to standardisations in farming practices and market preferences.This only highlights the reality that human’s exploitation of nature to meet its physical needs is continuing even today. As a result natural calamities are occurring more frequently. Such disasters are rooted in climate change due to random exploitations of trees, water and plants. Scientists have urged humans to take immediate steps in order to mitigate the climatic changes, otherwise be prepared for the worst disasters to come.

Our mission is to halt and reverse the destruction of our environment. We are working effortlessly towards conservation of three biomes that contain most of the world’s biodiversity: forests, freshwater ecosystems, oceans and coasts.

In order to avoid some of these issues we have taken few initiatives for regenerating and restoring ecosystems:

  • Encouraging people to use energy and water more efficiently and recycle household waste.
  • Catalysing an energy revolution to address the threats faced by our planet.
  • Protecting the world’s remaining ancient forests which are depended on by many animals, plants and people.
  • Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in today’s products and manufacturing.
  • Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by encouraging socially and ecologically responsible farming practices.
  • Conducting seminars and plays to encourage people to make conscious efforts to conserve limited resources.
  • Creating awareness, changing perceptions and nurturing the next generation towards adopting a dynamic lifestyle fostering sustainable development.
  • Supporting and promoting government decisions taken to protect the ecosystems.
  • Taking environment friendly actions towards reducing the effects of climate to help prevent and resolve environmental issues.
  • Educating at schools through panels and presentations to raise awareness about the danger of over exploiting nature.